Department Registration

Every educational institute will contain multiple departments and in each department, there will be different courses/classes. The Department module of the Digi Campus will manage these details. Users can add details regarding the departments, courses and subjects from this module.


The Department section of the Digi Campus software will create, edit or delete departments of the educational institution. The existing department list will be displayed in the table to the right. Users can update/delete existing departments by clicking the Update/Delete buttons after double-clicking on the table.

The following are the procedure to add new departments :-

Step 1 : Select the submenu Department under the module department.

Step 2 : Enter the department name and contact number.

Step 3 : Click the button Save.


The Courses section of Department module deals with creating/updating the classes of departments. Under each department, there will be multiple courses/classes. An authorized user with access to this form can add/delete/update the course/class master section.

To update or delete a generated class, the user needs to select the course/class from the table on the right after choosing the department name. Then he/she can update/delete this data by selecting the appropriate button.

The steps for adding a new class/course are listed below.

Step 1: Select the submenu Courses under the module Department.

Step 2: Enter class name, department(select from dropdown), and the number of seats in each class.

Step 3: Enter the number of divisions and click the button Add.

Step 4: Generated divisions will be displayed on the table to the bottom left of the form.

Step 5: Click the button Save.


In Digi Campus, the users can allocate subjects to each course/class through section Subjects. It is possible to add the same subjects to multiple classes also. These details are inserted manually by an authorized user of Digi Campus. Users can update the existing subject details by double-clicking the corresponding row from the table(search by subject name) on the right.

The procedure for adding new subject are listed below.

Step 1 : Select the submenu Subjects under the Department module.

Step 2 : Enter subject details and select the corresponding class from the dropdown menu.

Step 3 : Click the button Save.

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