Class Division Allocation

At the beginning of each academic year, it is important to allocate students to each division. The class division allocation section automate the process of changing the division of a student in a class.

The following are the procedure for class division allocation :-

Step 1 : Select the submenu Class Division Allocation from the student module.

Step 2 : The list of students in that class will get displayed in corresponding rows with a checkbox. Select the checkbox on the first column of that row.

Step 3 : Select the division to which those students need to reallocate and click the button Move.


Student termination is one of the most secure tasks that can be done by any authorized user of Digi Campus. Poor academic performance, low or non-attendance, fee due for a longer period, etc… can be the reason for termination. This section of Digi Campus software will remove the terminated student details from the current list. Also, the user can enter the reason for termination and other details in the corresponding description box on the bottom of the page.

The following are the steps for terminating a student from the institute using Digi Campus.

Step 1 : Select the submenu Termination from the Student Module.

Step 2 : Select the terminating date, class, and division from the dropdown menu. The active student list of the selected class will be displayed in the table with a checkbox field in each row.

Step 3 : Select the checkbox corresponding to the student who needs to be terminated.

Step 4 : Enter the reason for the termination or other details in the description box provided below.

Step 5 : Click on the button Save.

Step 6 : To delete this termination, search for the terminated list by entering the class and division. Then, click the Delete button.

CC Generation

Educational Institutes generate Conduct Certificate at the time of PassOut/Termination to certify the acts, conduct and nature of the student. Users can easily take the print of CC by entering student details.

The following are the procedure for CC generation

Step 1 : Select the submenu CC Generation from the student module.

Step 2 : Search the student by clicking Find button or enter the details manually.

Step 3 : Click the button Generate to view a preview of CC Certificate and to print.

TC Generation

An educational institute issues transfer certificate(TC) to a student on his/her request. It will contain personal details of the student based on the records of the school. Digi Campus generates this certificate automatically in a short time period. The following are the procedure for TC Generation.

Step 1 : Select the submenu TC Generation from the student module.

Step 2 : Enter date, student details(search/enter manually), leaving reason and all other information in corresponding fields.

Step 3 : Click on the button Save.

Class House

Arts, sports or other competitions in most of the institutes are conducted house-wise. Digi campus creates these houses from this section. The following are the procedure for class house creation.

Step 1 : Select the submenu Class House from the Student module.

Step 2 : To create a new house, enter the house name and select the colour from the list. Then click the Save button.

Step 3 : To update/delete existing house, select the house details from the table on the right. Then update/delete it.

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