Stock Report

The stock report will indicate current stock for all products in different godowns. Account Mitra will help users to search for products by name or with godown. In default, the software will generate stock reports for all products from all godowns. The steps for generating the stock report are listed below.

Step 1 : Go to Reports and select Stock Report.

Step 2 : For searching the stock of a single product, select the product name from the dropdown menu(on left top) and click the button Search(This will display the stock of a selected product from all godowns).

Step 3 : For searching the stock of a particular godown, select the godown name from the dropdown menu(on top next to product dropdown) and click the button Search(This will display the stock of all products in that godown).

Step 4 : For searching a product from a certain godown, select the product name and godown name from the dropdown menu and click the button Search.

Step 5 : User can export this data by clicking the button Export on the top right.

Products Reports

The product report of Account Mitra will list out all the products in the organization. In default, the software will display all the products in the tabular format with important details. Users can search product by name or specific groups. Also, they can export this report, if required. The procedure for generating product reports are listed below.

Step 1 : Go to Reports and select Products Reports.

Step 2 : For product group wise selection, select the product group from the dropdown menu and click the button Search.

Step 3 : To search a particular product, type the product name in the textbox and click the button Search.

Step 4 : Click the button Export(on top right) for exporting this report.

Fast Moving Products

The fast-moving product report will help the organization to understand products having maximum demand. The products that are sold most will be displayed in descending order if the user selects the time period. The following are the steps for accessing the fast-moving products report

Step 1 : Go to Reports and select Fast Moving Products.

Step 2 : Select the period(From and To dates) and click the button Search for generating the list.

Step 3 : Click the button Export(on top right) for exporting this report.

Reorder Stock Report

Reorder stock report is a part of inventory tracking which indicates the products that are running low. It helps the organization to identify the products that need to reorder. The steps for accessing reorder stock report are:-

Step 1 : Go to Reports and select Reorder Stock Report.

Step 2 : The products to be reordered will be displayed and click the button Export for exporting the report.

Sales Report

Sales report is the record of products sold during a particular time period. The trends occurring in the companies sales volume can be determined from this report. In default, Account Mitra will list the sales for the current day. Following are the steps for accessing the sales report.

Step 1 : Go to Reports and click the Sales Report.

Step 2 : Select the time period(From and To Dates) and Click the button Search(Sales from all godown will be listed).

Step 3 : For generating sales report from a particular godown, select the godown name from the dropdown menu and click the button Search.

Step 4 : For exporting the report, click the button Export.

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