Sales Report (Time)

Sales report with time is similar to that of the sales report. The only variation is users can search by entering a specific time period of a certain day. The procedure for accessing sales report with time include :-

Step 1 : Go to Reports and click the Sales Report(Time).

Step 2 : Select the time period(From and To Dates with time) and Click the button Search(Sales from all godown will be listed).

Step 3 : For generating sales report from a particular godown, select the godown name from the dropdown menu and click the button Search.

Step 4 : For exporting the report, click the button Export.

Sales Group Wise Report

Sales group wise report will help the user to track the sales of products from a specific group. Users can select the product group from the dropdown menu on the top. The steps are listed below for generating sales group wise report.

Step 1 : Go to Reports and click the Sales Group Wise Report.

Step 2 : Select the time period, product group(from the dropdown menu) and the godown(from the dropdown menu).

Step 3 : Click the button Search for displaying data based on the inserted criteria.

Step 4 : For exporting the report, click the button Export.

Sales Group Wise Report (Time)

Sales group wise report with time list out the products sold from a specific group within the time period selected. The following are the steps for accessing the sales group wise report with time.

Step 1 : Go to Reports and select the submenu Sales Group Wise Report (Time).

Step 2 : Select the time period(specify the time period), product group(from the dropdown menu) and the godown(from the dropdown menu).

Step 3 : After clicking the Search button the report will be generated.

Step 4 : For exporting the report, click the button Export.

Sales Item Wise Report

Sales item wise report will list the sale of a particular item in a specific period. Also, this software will help to track the sale of a specific product by a customer/party. The steps for generating the sales item wise report is listed below.

Step 1 : Go to Reports and click the Sales Item Wise Report.

Step 2 : Enter the date(from and to with time), item name(from dropdown list), customer/party name(from dropdown if required) and click the button Search.

Step 3 : The items will be listed based on the specified criteria and the user can export this by clicking the button Export.

Party Wise Sales Report

Party wise sales report will list the items purchased by a specific party/customer. This report will help the user to monitor the demands of a party/customer. The steps for accessing party wise sales report is listed below.

Step 1 : Go to Reports and then select Party Wise Sales Report.

Step 2 : Select party name(from dropdown list), date(from and to date) and click the button Search.

Step 3 : The displayed report can be exported, by clicking the button Export.

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